London, 1 night from £32
A good option to visit London reducing the accommodation prices is to rent an equipped studio. In London there are many solutions like this, housed both in private home and in apartment complexes.
Flats, apartments and studios are available at a price starting from 100 Euros. This type of lodging option features private bathroom, kitchenette, air conditioning, free Wi-Fi and all the typical comforts of an independent accommodation such as free 24/24 access.
Flats and apartments are located in every city district, generally close to a tube stop: for example near Bayswater there are a dozen of facilities renting apartments and studios. If you book online an apartment in London, you'll have the chance to get discounts and special deals especially if you would like to stay in the city for some days.
Hotels | reviews | Price |
110 Janson Road |
6.0/10 | £ 32 |
6 Clova Road |
6.1/10 | £ 36 |
20 Fairholme Road |
6.9/10 | £ 46 |
5 Church Street |
4.9/10 | £ 47 |
12 Leinster Gardens |
7.2/10 | £ 49 |
42 Glenthorne Road |
9.1/10 | £ 49 |
11-13 Inverness Terrace, Bayswater |
6.4/10 | £ 53 |
83 Holland Road |
7.9/10 | £ 57 |
55 Inverness Terrace |
6.5/10 | £ 59 |
16 Westbourne Street |
6.5/10 | £ 59 |
Knaresborogh Boutique Apartments
2 knaresborough place, london, SW5 0TG |
8.2/10 | £ 60 |
71 Eardley Crescent |
7.9/10 | £ 60 |
34 Melrose Avenue |
7.7/10 | £ 62 |
Short Lets in London One And A Friend Studios
18 Wilberforce road, |
6.4/10 | £ 65 |
73 Inverness Terrace |
7.2/10 | £ 66 |
14 Devonshire Terrace Lancaster Gate |
6.4/10 | £ 66 |
146 Suites to 146 Gloucester Place |
7.5/10 | £ 66 |
43 Queensborough Terrace |
6.8/10 | £ 76 |
198 West End Lane |
7.7/10 | £ 76 |
Crompton House Apartments London
17 High Street, High Barnet |
8.5/10 | £ 78 |
* Hotel prices are per night per room and are subject to changes depending on the requested dates.